The Project


This proposal combines the efforts of research groups from the University of Sao Paulo, State University of Sao Paulo, University of Campinas, Technological Institute of Aeronautics and a number of international collaborators to investigate periodic structures in the context of phononic materials and elastic/acoustic metamaterials. Phononic materials and elastic/acoustic metamaterials can be tailored so that they exhibit specific behavior, such as wave focusing and funneling, diode mechanisms, frequency bandgaps, and energy localization, not observed in natural materials. They have great potential to replace traditional materials in demanding engineering applications and to pave the way for innovative solutions of several engineering problems. The proposal is organized in four work packages to address current scientific challenges related to nearly periodic and coupled structures, design and optimization of metastructures, nonlinear periodic structures and smart metastructures. The intersections of the work packages and the expected achievements have great potential to enable new insights as well as applications with relevant scientific and technological innovation for Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering problems. The distributed nature of the research team in the State of Sao Paulo will ensure that a wide network of researchers in the relatively new area of metamaterials will be formed. This will help to nurture the next generation of Brazilian engineers in this important area.
